Position Type: Command Staff
Minimum Grade: C/MSgt
Maximum Grade: C/Capt
Role Description: The cadet flight commander leads a flight of 8 to 15 cadets. It is the first cadet position to have significant managerial and oversight responsibilities, as the flight commander supervises and mentors a flight sergeant and 2 to 4 element leaders. Having developed some basic instructional skills, flight commanders are called on to teach almost any cadet-related topic. As commanders, they set goals and develop training plans for the flight, informally counsel cadets and formally evaluate their leadership skills. As officers, flight commanders serve on the squadron’s leadership team, working with the cadet commander and other officers to grow the squadron. In short, the flight commander creates the conditions necessary for the flight to succeed.
Duties and Responsibilities:
  • Instruct Cadets.
    While the basic aspects of cadet life – wear of the uniform, drill, saluting, etc. – should be instructed by cadet NCOs, as a flight commander and cadet officer, the squadron needs your teaching experience. You may be called on to teach a variety of cadet-related topics. Continue to develop your teaching and presentation skills.
  • Motivate and Discipline the Flight.
    The key to developing positive attitudes is understanding. Ensure everyone in the flight understands the big picture, the reason behind the various aspects of cadet life. Uphold CAP’s standards in the leadership laboratory and the Core Values, but work through flight sergeants when possible. Recognize that your status as a role model is even more powerful than your positional authority. Lead by example.
  • Mentor the Flight Sergeant and Element Leaders.
    Ensure the flight sergeant and element leaders understand the scope of their responsibilities. Expect them to make mistakes from time to time, and help them learn from them. You are their coach and mentor; help them develop their leadership skills. Likewise, be on watch for cadets who are ready for new leadership challenges.
  • Set Goals for the Flight.
    Take the cadet commander’s broad goals and add specificity and detail to them as you set goals for the flight. Identify what skills and subjects cadets need help with and what they need to do to qualify for promotion; help get those needs added to the squadron’s training calendar. Depending on how your squadron develops training plans, you may be asked to draft schedules for weekly squadron meetings or special activities. Assist the cadet commander and senior staff in setting mid to long-range goals for the squadron.
  • Coach and Counsel Cadets.
    Help cadets develop their potential through informal, on-the-spot coaching. Work through your flight sergeant when possible. Likewise, formally evaluate each cadet’s performance using a CAPF 60-90. Assist the cadet commander and senior staff in making promotion decisions. Always be observing cadets.
  • Drill and Ceremonies.
    Lead the flight during formations and ceremonies. Supervise and coach the flight sergeant and element leaders as they drill the flight.